Friday, 25 January 2013

Private vs Comprehensive education

"Comprehensive education is the fairest way for all students to have the equal opportunity to succeed in life and private education should be banned"

How far would you agree with this statement?

Add your comments on the above statement from either a Marxist or Functionalist/New Right point of view.
When you have added your own comment - try to argue with another comment - get the debate going!

Have fun!


  1. because of small class sizes students may get a better education in private schools

  2. If can afford to give their children private education they should be allowed to give their children a head start.

  3. private schools are too expensive for all parents to pay school fees.

    1. If can afford to give their children private education they should be allowed to give their children a head start.

  4. Comprehensive education provides equal opportunities for middle class and the working class. Private Education gives richer children an unfair advantage.


    1. Comprehensive schools may mix classes together, but there can still be a divide between the students through classes and an on going competition between students about what people can or cannot afford. In private schools this isnt an issue because students will all belong to the same class.

    2. Their parents should have worked harder so they could afford private education for their children, they've earned the advantage so why shouldn't they get to choose the school their child goes to. Private school children tend to get better jobs than comprehensive school children why wouldn't their parents want them to succeed.

    3. But how will the students know what class their peers are in. Do you ever go around to your mates and ask what class their in.

    4. its obvious!! You dont need to ask, I've seen so many people being singled out due to not as much money etc. People show off mobiles, ipods etc. this can easily be avoided if classes were separated?

  5. private schools do not socially mix different classes.

  6. private schools hire teachers that aren't always qualified.

    1. Ofsted still inspects private schools, so the teachers are obviously reliable enough to teach the students. And it's a known fact that students receive better exam results if they go to Private school. Also are you saying that Comprehensive schools never have bad teachers?

    2. that may be so, but if they were rubbish teachers, they wouldn't hire them would they. Comprehensive schools also have rubbish teachers, not all of them are qualified, but the best teachers may be qualified, you never know.

    3. Kara just because Ofsted inspect them doesn't mean there a good teacher so comprehensive schools are better of because they have an actual qualified teacher not some unqualified person who wants to be a teacher also due to the high qualified smart teachers they offer more knowledge and even more motivation due to the teachers wanting there class to be better educated not just to look like they have a decent job.


    4. ACTUALLY, they do NOT get better exam results, they just know people that can get them better jobs which is an unfair advantage as they dont have to work has hard. I am not saying at all that comprehensive schools never had bad teachers but i never said the teachers at private schools were bad. I SAID THAT THE TEACHERS DO NOT HAVE TO BE QUALIFIED, WHEREAS THEY DO AT COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOLS.

    5. So, the same applies to Comprehensive schools. If you're going to say that Ofsted is stupid enough to let unqualified teachers teach at Private schools, then how are they supposed to spot unqualified teachers at Comprehensive schools? Are you also saying that teachers at Private schools don't care about their pupils just because they don't teach at Comprehensive schools. Even if you go to a Private school, you need some kind of qualification.

    6. Ofsted come in for one day they do not know what teachers are like all the time so how can you say that Ofsted observe them all the time so they do not know that the teachers is good they only know what there like for a brief moment for one year and one other thing even thought smaller classes may benefit they also could not have and advantage for example if you are in a bigger class population you can find more opinions and more facts than say a smaller classroom population could submit. (good luck) From Garin

    7. Okay, so if they only come in for ONE day how do they know the difference for Comprehensive Schools and Private School? They also only see Comprehensive teachers for one moment of one day, same applies to Private Schools. Therefore you cannot say that Private School teachers are any worse or less qualified that Comprehensive School teachers.
      Private Schools don't have classes of like 4 people, they still have a big enough class size for a varied amount of opinions to consider.

  7. private schools are socially divisive.

  8. Private schools are beneficial to society because they produce highly motivated students who are trained to achieve. More attention is payed to the students due to smaller class sizes, and therefore the teachers will help the students with individual needs and support for all.

    1. There may be smaller class sizes, but the teachers do not have to be qualified. Therefore the students in private education may not be getting a good education. In comprehensive all students are being well educated as ALL teachers MUST be qualified.

    2. Also talent is being lost at comprehensive schools due to private schools, surely this isn't fair!!

    3. If ofsted have approved of the teachers, then I'm sure they are good enough to teach. Its unlikely that the private schools aren't going to have any old person teaching students of such high class. They're are going to want to keep an impression and will still hire GOOD teachers.

    4. At comprehensive school the teachers are at the best of their ability. Yes they may not take on a freak of a teacher but the teachers aren't necessarily at the best of their ability. Comprehensive school teachers push their students more than private school teachers as many students in private education (most of the time) have links to a higher class job. A person who comes out of a private school is more likely to go straight into a career, where as a person who comes out of a comprehensive have to go through several jobs before entering a career that they would like to do. Private schools give their students an unfair advantage against the comprehensive school students and they do not have to work as hard as comprehensive school students, it is mostly handed to them.

  9. Private education is much better than Comprehensive education because people in Comprehensive schools are not pushed as hard as they could be: they are just left to go with the flow. Private schools let the higher achievers be used to their best ability. Also, Private school class sizes are smaller meaning there is more one-to-one time with the students so they learn better. Comprehensive education doesn't have as good facilities as Private schools, as Comprehensive schools are state funded.

    1. students in private schools are not pushed to their best ability because of what they are capable of they are pushed because they're rich. Bigger classer sizes mean you have more people to socialise with and ask for help. the facilities at comprehensive schools are not in bad condition, and to be honest having a book that'd got a few scribbles in it is not going to make comprehensive students thicker!!! To Kara.

  10. Teachers at private schools do not have to be qualified to teach so the students might not be getting a better education. Also the teachers are paid less so the people working there will only be there because they can't get work.

    1. but the students might not always need the greatest education as they can rely on the connections they made there at the school to get them into university.

    2. Which is unfair. Getting a good job should be down to how smart you are and how hard you work. Not who you know.

  11. Private schools are not free like comprehensive schools they can cost up £30 000 per annum. Therefore not everybody can afford to send their children to be privately educated, so private schools are less socially mixed as only wealthier families can afford the fee's. You wouldn't expect to find many of the working class children here like you would in a comprehensive. Not only do they have to pay fee's for the education per annum, on top of that there are costs of travel and any extra activities cost as well, the £30 000 per annum only covers the education, not trips, activities etc. "Its not what you know, but who you know" this called social capital. This means that in private schools most parents will be in higher class jobs and you may have an interest in that career, so you then have a direct link to that place of work. Where as in comprehensive you don't have that link so much, you have to work more for it. Therefore this is an unequal opportunity, and those with more money benefit more then those without so much.

    1. Are you saying just because a child who comes from a wealthier family should not be able to receive a better education? If you had money, then I'm sure you'd use it to make sure your child is benefited to the best of their ability. Are you saying that no rich people have attended Comprehensive schools? - Are you saying that people in Private schools still don't have to work for what they want?

    2. Are you saying that children in comprehensive education do not come out with the best of their ability. Teachers in comprehensive schools HAVE to be qualified where as in private schools they do not. This means that the students in private schools may not be getting a better education then students in comprehensive. Due to private education talent in comprehensive education is BEING LOST, but this doesn't mean students in comprehensive are underachieving. BOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. yh, but for the £30,000 per annum, you get a better education and the people who can afford it should take that advantage, so yes, you do have a better opportunity in private schools, and not all parents may be in higher class jobs, some of them may have inherited A LOT of money and decided to send their child(ren) to a private school from a working/middle class.

    4. They do not necessarily get a better education as teachers do not have to be qualified like teachers do when working in a comprehensive school. Therefore students in comprehensive may actually be getting a better education.

  12. Comprehensive schools fail the most talented of students and society loses out on this talent.

  13. private schools give students headstarts at work. The employers favour the private school people as they think they would be smarter.

  14. Just because they go to private schools means that they will not be more motivated than a comprehensive school child. They will be motivated so they can be successful. a private school child has everything given to them.

    1. Higher class children will be raised to achieve. They have been brought up there whole life to achieve, where as comprehensive students have been taught to 'do there best' because no expects them to achieve so it isnt drilled in to them as much.

    2. They will be more motivated because they wouldn't want to disappoint their parents who are paying large bills for them to get the best education possible. They will also be motivated not to be the bottom of the class as their teachers and parents will have high expectations for them.

    3. Yeah but they have everything given to them. They're not motivated. They have a rich daddy who can send them to a school where they will get good connections. Comprehensive children are more motivated because they have to work for everything.

  15. In private schools, they can get better resources and facilities for the students.

    1. But they would because they pay up to 30,000 a year, you would expect them get better resources and facilities.

  16. private schools: data shows that children that participate in a private school education are more likely to succeed this implies that private education provides as fast track to better jobs.This is bad for both for the society and other members, this idea that members of a private school allow more chances of being in a better class due to social capital and the society become socially divisive. moreover many talented future workers are being ignored due to their education back ground. This can be seen very unfair.

    1. Are you saying that people in Private schools don't have to put in any effort to get anywhere? They don't just doss around and expect everything with a click of their fingers. Especially due to the money being spent on them, they are expected to work hard. They aren't being ignored - if they work for what they want, they can achieve it. Everyone has to work for what they want, even Private school kids.

  17. People who have enough money should take the advantage of better education which private schools give.
    Comprehensive schools do not give the proper education that is needed.
    Private schools motivate students as well to get good high-paying jobs i.e. Politician, judge etc.

    1. This is an inequality based on parental income, which is unfair. Children should not have to be disadvantaged if their parents did not achieve in school, and get the good grades needed for a high paying job.
      Comprehensive schools do provide a proper education for their students. They only allow fully qualified teachers to teach unlike public schools where anyone can teach there. Getting a job should be about WHAT you know and not WHO you know or WHERE you went to school.

  18. Parents should have the right to send their children to private schools as they have worked hard for economic gain. They would like there children to have better opportunities in life so they almost make an "investment" in there children's life.
    People may say that it is expensive (£30,000 a year) however long term and statistically they will have jobs that pay 3 times as much when they have finished education. It is the same principle as tuition fee's.

  19. To Ryan
    But that's not fair on the working class child who goes to a comprehensive school. They should have equal opportunities to a middle class child.

    1. That is the governments fault if there comprehensive schools are underachieving due to economic restriction ?

    2. yes but that's because the government is filled with posh boys who went to these private schools, they understand what it's like to be short on money.

  20. Comprehensive schools are bigger and more able to provide mre facilities to students. They help to create communities by teaching children from one local area, they also break down social barriers. If any students which failed the 11+ are given another chance which is really fair towards them.

    1. Exactly. Private schools are smaller, meaning students can have more one-to-one with teachers. This means that they can get a better opportunity, as teachers can spend more time helping them understand.
      Also, if you're teaching students from one community then how is that socially benefiting? You only have one type of class mixing so it's not any more benefiting than Private schools.
      11+ Applies to Grammar schools.

  21. Private schools don't give equal opportunities in jobs, giving children who cant afford to go to private schools less of a chance.

    1. but if you were a students at a private school, wouldn't you prefer to get a better job ?

  22. The rich don't use the comprehensive system, if they did then they might have more motivation to improve it.

    1. But they may not see the need to improve comprehensive schools when they already have a school system available that they feel provides everything they and their children needs out of their education.

    2. However, if they were in a poor persons shoes, they would think differently, but by showing that they don't care about the rest of society who are less fortunate than them shows how stuck-up they are, and shows that they do not appreciate their schooling as much.

  23. Private schools focus more on academic studies which strengthens the students abilities, giving them better exam results and they are the best route to the better jobs in society.

    1. Comprehensive schools concentrate on academic studies too and pushing pupils to do their best and strive in what they're good at.

  24. In the said private schools, teaching the students to obey authority means that society will remain peaceful and well organised. This will be an advantage for all of the citizens.

    1. yes but this is also taught in comprehensive schools. The working class is always taught the same norms and values.

  25. There is an assumption that private schools give a better education than comprehensive schools. However, although students at private schools have better facilities the teachers do not need to be qualified and therefore they may not be as high quality at teaching.
    Megan and Chloe

  26. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii think that private schools are favored by the emploers because they think tyhey are smarter.

  27. Why should the children of well paid parents miss out on the opportunity to go to private schools and potentially get better jobs just because the people who cant afford the school fees think its unfair?

  28. the 11+ failures get another chance when attending comprehensive school, thats great

    1. hey jezza, i don't get your point.
